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May 27, 2018

Americans Content with Loss of Freedom

Is it true that natural born citizens no longer cherish their personal freedom? What about the hordes of immigrant refugees that flock across our borders, do they have a desire to embrace the goals set down by the Founding Fathers or are these principles foreign to their mindset? Freedom is a concept that has many meaning to different peoples. However, the essence of historic and traditional freedom is always consistent with the way the individual is treated by the government that claims jurisdiction over their citizenship. Today, being a legal citizen matter little in a society that refuses to defend its borders and opens the floodgates to aliens who have as much in common with descendants of the original thirteen colonies as a transplant from a different galaxy.
12:37 pm edt | link 

May 20, 2018

The Relevancy of the Illustrated Protocols of Zion
Discussing the subject, The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion requires courage and the willingness to fend off the predictable slurs. Immediate charges of anti-Semitism prove the lack of sincerity and scholarly dishonesty from the gatekeepers of the satanic global New World Order. Even an elementary understanding of historic events and Realpolitik realize that condemning an entire race, religion or ethnic group for the transgressions of evil elements in any tribe is fundamentally ludicrous on face value. However, most individuals who claim to be or identify themselves as Jews, are being played for suckers, because of their refusal to face the fact that some of their Zionist zealots are so willing to sacrifice less worthy of the "so called" chosen, when it furthers their purpose for world dominance. 
9:03 am edt | link 

May 13, 2018

Jonathan Pollard Traitor Release

The history of the Jonathan Pollard spy case usually breaks down to the views of the person doing the analysis. If one holds favorable sentiments for Israel, sympathy towards Pollard usually surfaces.  Contrary if one maintains an abiding loyalty towards the United States, the facts of the spying and treasonous betrayal are overwhelming. In the end, the final assessment proves that the notion of being a “Duel Loyalist” is preposterous. It is absurd that an authentic American can be a Zionist and provide actual national security secrets to an Israeli government that regularly operates in the most fundamental ways against our own country.
9:01 am edt | link 

May 6, 2018

Likelihood of Organized Disruption at GOP Convention

The anticipated and long awaited political theater of the political conventions is upon us. The Republican gala has special expectation. “The Donald” will make a real show out of this high tension wire walk across the political divide of GOP careerist party stalwarts. Those populist upstart activists that raise the participation impact of new primary voters are invading the clandestine chambers of the privileged establishment. The never Trump movement will have their last gasp, but the surreptitious NeoCon insiders will not go away. Their covert choice is still Hillary Clinton.  
6:56 am edt | link 

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