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a bold message - integrity - reason - insight

"In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act." - George Orwell

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VIEW FROM THE MOUNT - The Sinking of Lloyd's of London Mon, January 31, 2005 | link 

SOLITARY PURDAH - Simone de Beauvoir: feminist vs. revelation Wed, January 26, 2005 | link 

INHERENT AUTONOMY - Investiture of Heretical Doctrine Thu, January 20, 2005 | link 

GLOBAL GULAG - The First Bush Presidency Tue, January 18, 2005 | link 

STRAPPADO WRACK - Homeland Security by the Colors Wed, January 12, 2005 | link 

INHERENT AUTONOMY - Articles of Confederation was Preferable Sun, January 9, 2005 | link 

VIEW FROM THE MOUNT - Taxes are forcing you out of your home Wed, January 5, 2005 | link 

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From a God of Revelations
to a Belief in Cosmos Aliens

According to the nihilist popular culture, the lack of faith in revelations of the Bible has become the standard in the godless world that rules this planet. Hubris societies view themselves far too sophisticated and enlightened to accept the preaching of prophets or the gospels of Christ. They willingly reject the promise of salvation for the secular pleasure of worshiping their own creation of heaven on earth. The further the human race distances itself from the almighty, the greater the inhumanity against your fellow man intensifies. The hunt for ET is simply a search for a substitute to a GOD that provided a code of commandments and the Sermon on the Mount moral teachings. As long as no direct contact from a Close Encounter of the Third Kind is empirically validated, situation ethics can remain the dominant method for character behavior.   

Read this article from the 'Utopia' archives



British Betrayal of Hong Kong

What a long yesteryear between the British Empire and the Chinese Dynasty. The English Crown used the Opium Wars to subjugate the Red Dragon and keep it at bay. A brief summary of the East India Company and the HSBC Bank: Secret Origins To Laundering The World's Drug Money is crucial to understand the role of the City of London in establishing a global trading cartel.

"As the opium and other trade with China expanded, Britain’s new territory of Hong Kong became a major imperial commercial center. The opium dealers gathered together to form a bank, the Hongkong and Shanghai Bank, as the financial flagship of the British opium trade. Over time, the bank—now known as HSBC—would extend its reach into the drug fields of the Middle East and Ibero-America, as befitting its role as the financial kingpin of Dope, Inc."

Read this article from The 'Forbidden History' archives



   Lawyers will never administer legal justice

The law is too important to be left to attorneys. Any objective observer of the existing legal system would conclude that allowing lawyers and judges to police the profession is a total sham. Politicians and public officials, who are members of the bar, owe their allegiance to a privileged and entitled fraternity of overseers. Their function directly destroys the real meaning of the law, which is based upon the intrinsic and permanent value of the individual, not the relative whims of governments. Justice is not achieved by state authority. Thus, knowing the nature of process is crucial to understand the proper relationships.     

Read this article from The 'Reign of Terror' archives



The Google Globalism Gulag

The puzzling switch in the corporate motivation of Google seems confusing on the surface. But if you dig deeper into the manure of globalism, the notion that Google is primarily a business for profit is exposed as a distraction of what it really is and how it operates. It is entirely understandable that free internet services, especially when they usually work well and use superior features will attract the public in droves. However, the filtration of search results that only provide a biased outcome can no longer be denied. Notwithstanding, who benefits the most from the abandonment of the old motto, "Don't be evil"?

Read this article from The 'Stuck on Stupid' archives



Totalitarian Collectivism

Foreign Policy

Betrayal of America

Very little has changed when it comes to the elites who control public policy. Foreign affairs have been shaped by an un-American tribe of Judas' who seek to rule over real patriots. America has been systematically sold out for well over a century by deviants of our culture, economics, politics and especially religion. A legitimate foreign policy, above all, needs to protect our own country and her own people. Abdicating those responsibilities to benefit Israel is treason. Regretfully, most of the populace is so afraid of being labeled an anti-Semitic that they eagerly suspend rational thinking to be a kosher supporter.

Read this article from The 'Totalitarian Collectivism' archives


Soltiary Purdah
philosophy and politics of the individual

Curse of Technology Weapons

From the very time of Cain killing Abel, the invention of more efficient weapons for violent conflict has been a consistent aspect of human endeavor. The conclusion that modern society refuses to accept the reality is that this curse is a direct result of the fallen nature from disobeying God by eating of the forbidden fruit. There is a reason why the high tech totalitarians and trillion dollar behemoth, chose the name APPLE. Weaponry can take many forms but for most of history, armies and navies fought to the death to defend their ruling elites or to extend their empire aspirations. The only such consequence is a theater of operations for dead bodies. For centuries the guidance of Sun Tzu was followed as reflected in Carl von Clausewitz's famous dictum:

Read this essay from The 'Solitary Purdah' archives


Answers and Solutions

2018 Midterm Elections Editorial

Conventional political wisdom would have the public believe that the electorate is poised for the Democrats to take a majority in the House of Representatives while the Republicans hold the edge in the Senate. Seldom is the question raised just what empirical evidence, where and how is it arrived at for such a conclusion to become valid. The polls in 2016 were entirely bogus and undoubtedly meant to defeat Donald Trump. Nothing has changed in the 2018 midterms. The establishment is committed to defeat GOP candidates and ensure that the Deep State regains their former power and influence. The distortion of reality is their major tactic to confuse, discourage and suppress Trump supporters from casting their ballots.

Read this essay from The 'Radical Reactionary' archives


Without Liberty - Only Slavery
independence is the intrinsic nature of the human condition

When Civil Liberties are violated by Government

Behold, who really cares about civil liberties in a society that puts government as the final arbitrator of authority? Well, sadly the prospects for a rebirth in recognizing that individual liberties are the basis for a civilized union are more remote now than at any time in the last half century. Most people view civil liberties as defined by protecting the personage. Notwithstanding, constitutional freedom has an important component is maintaining a just and functioning government regime. Sinking into a despotic authoritarianism is the expected risk when governments go amok. However, inadequate attention is given to the discussion and study of what constitutes a responsible state power.

Read this article from The 'Inherent Autonomy' archives


. . . 'Mattoid' grab of Globalism
The New World Order WAR against America

Coup d'état by way of an 'Pseudo Impeachment'

A BATR Editorial

When the legacy of the doomed American Republic is compiled, the treason of the Deep State will be known as an imperial operative against the citizens of what was once a great nation. The latest desperate betrayal by the Democrat Congress to proclaim separate committee investigations into accusations against President Trump is no formal impeachment. Without a vote by the entire House, the hype is pure political street theater.

Read this column from The 'Global Gulag' archives



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Push back against gun banning

Small business entrepreneurs have an opportunity when the corporatist mega retailers adopt the authoritarian "PC" hysteria that seeks to ban all firearms and ammunition. Now may be a good time to jump into the snake pit and apply for a Federal Firearms License to become a gun dealer. Debating the validity of the Second Amendment with a snowflake or soccer mom is like dealing with a programmed sucker who took the short bus to their indoctrinated schooling sessions. Their lack of self-respect stems from the absence in the meaning of self-defense. They do not foster any sympathy as a victim; much less make a compelling argument that banning guns of responsible citizens is necessary to safeguard the children.

Read this article from The "Merchantry" archives

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Amazon is a Destroyer of Jobs and the Merchant Economy

If this is progress, just how much more can our economy afford? The myth of cheap prices, conveniently seldom factors in the structural costs to society. Building an all inclusive monopoly based upon minimal employees and predatory prices ignores the long anti-trust history that helped create the middle class. The last fifty years has demonstrated the systemic retreat from family prosperity, which has produced a vast disproportionate of wealth among the fewer haves and the growing have-nots. The enormous accumulation of market share that Amazon has steamrolled under the hypnosis of ease in selection of products, placing orders, timely deliveries, and most of all; cheapest pricing has caused the demise of much of traditional retail commerce.

Read this article from The "Corporatocracy" archives


Neither a borrower nor a lender be

Special Labor Day Article

Pre Trump Economy under Obama

Labor Day when there is no work

Celebrating Labor Day is poised for a fundamental transition. As the work force shrinks, the 21th Century version of the nature of employment is undergoing deep and primal changes. Some stats that are relevant point out that 62.8%: Labor Force Participation Has Hovered Near 37-Year-Low for 11 Months.   


Sober Thought Provoking Essays

What Memorial Day Do You Honor?

Many accounts will praise the sacrifices and deeds of those who fought in the American wars. Some versions will emotionally express their thanks and respect, while others will list their heroic actions. There is another viewpoint that seldom gets the attention that it deserves. Simply put, what is the true reason that all this blood was shed and the meaning of continued torment that follows, when the guns are silenced? Some will say, we just need to revere those who served. Others may dare to ask, why and what for?

Read this essay from The 'View from the Mount' archives


Provocative Satire - Intoxicating Creative Wit
Unlock the Meaning of Current Affairs

Dissecting U.S. Elections - the People vs. the Pols

The establishment has an entrenched interest in convincing the public that their vote in elections actually decides who is selected for public office. That same power elite runs and controls both Republican and Democratic political parties. Only a neophyte or a delusional idealist believes that the voting cycle reflects the will of the people. When reform candidates engage in the primary process, hoping to win the nomination from either of the two major parties, they face the stark reality that playing ball with the money bundlers means obeying the directives of masters of the universe. These overlords own politicians, especially those who continue in office by winning predetermined elections.

Read this article from The 'Strappado Wrack' archives


The 'Dueling Twins'

The 'Dueling Twins' Coming Soon

Immigration Sense and Nonsense 
by James Hall from the Left

Immigration Civil War 

James Hall – ‘The Right’

Read this essay from The 'Dueling Twins' archives


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