BATR - FBI and DOJ Corruption Beget Justice Denied - Editorial
The facts about the collusion among the Deep State operatives regarding their plan
to eliminate the Donald Trump Presidency have been covered in detail. Connecting the linkage among career supporters of the
establishment empire within the FBI, DOJ and the Intelligence Community confirms our Founding Father's most profound fears.
Reject the specious diversion that party politics determines the correct version of the narrative and adopt the reality that
the actual truth has been demonstrated by the actions of the systemic criminals that hold senior positions within these agency
Read the entire BATR Editorial
BATR 4th of July Editorial
The only conclusion any honest American citizen can come to is that the Republic
is dead. Once again the flags wave and the songs play as the parades march to celebrate another 4th of July. Picnic meals
are eaten while children frolic in the warn sunshine of summer. Few people reflect on the true meaning that established the
solemn commemoration of the nation's birth. The reality of this post federation of independent state sovereignty is that a
centralized federal behemoth has superseded the original intent of Thomas Jefferson's vision: "That government is best
which governs least". Today the society that exists demands compliance or compels obedience by way of punishment.
Read the entire BATR Editorial
Campaigning fatigue has drained the country of
common sense judgment as emotional psychosis engulfs much of the population. It is long overdue for the citizens of this once
great Republic to look directly in the mirror. Ask yourself, what is your own personal responsibility in allowing society
to become a moral cesspool? The United States is no longer GOOD. The conduct and crimes of the ruling elite are unconscionable.
Read the entire BATR Editorial
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There is no expedient to which a man will not resort to avoid the real labor of thinking - Joshua Reynolds

Let thy speech be better than silence, or
be silent. - Dionysus the Elder

The Mail Bag
Joe Conason's Journal
Yesterday's anti-Semitic screed against billionaire George Soros was nauseating -- but it won't be the last coming from
the "old" far right.
Nov. 19, 2003 | That old-time "conservatism" Whoever decided to post a nauseating anti-Semitic screed about
George Soros on the GOPUSA Web site has apparently reconsidered, after embarrassing exposure in Eschaton and other blogs.
As of this morning, the essay titled "Satan Lives in George Soros" had disappeared. A commercial Republican site that features
fourth-rate columnists and flashing ads, GOPUSA's "issues and action" conference in Washington a few weeks ago attracted the
likes of Grover Norquist, Bob Barr, Kellyanne Conway, Reps. Tom Tancredo (R-Colo.) and Steve King (R-Iowa), and Sen. John
Cornyn (R-Texas).
None of those individuals is responsible for the Soros-bashing essay, of course, but the proprietors of GOPUSA have some
explaining to do. The only reasonable assumption is that they endorsed the vile gutter bigotry that suffuses this piece from
the first paragraph, in which the liberal philanthropist is described as a "Hungarian-born descendant of Shylock" and "the
embodiment of the Merchant from [sic] Venice." It goes on to quote accusations against Soros by former Malaysian Prime Minister
Mahathir Mohamed and other notorious anti- Semites on the Russian far right. (The semiliterate author, identified by Josh
Marshall today as James Hall, uses the pen name "Sartre" -- perhaps unaware that the French philosopher had much to say about
this particular form of mental illness in "Anti-Semite and Jew.")
Hall's essay can still be found on his own site, which offers such interesting clues to his ideological disposition as
the links on this page (scroll down) to the works of the late Francis ParkerYockey, an American fascist activist and author.
Although GOPUSA has no official connection with the Republican Party, the occasion for spewing this filth was the recent
announcement by Soros that he will commit his financial and intellectual power to defeating George W. Bush. Republican National
Committee chairman Ed Gillespie, who honed his propaganda skills on behalf of Enron, has commenced a bitter campaign against
Soros. Gillespie evidently believes that wealth can only be used legitimately to support Republicans.
More such filth will no doubt emanate from the precincts of the "old" far right. Soros is simply too tempting a target
for the paleo-cons -- and he obviously isn't alone among prominent Jews in opposing Bush. But just as black leaders are expected
to denounce Louis Farrakhan, will anyone demand that Gillespie publicly reject such anti-Semitic attacks on his new nemesis?
[11 a.m. PST, Nov. 19, 2003]

Writing in something called, James Hall (who writes openly under the pen name of “Sarte,”) declares that, “For those who think that
the American Enterprise Institute is really a right wing think tank, examine the influence of the likes of Richard Perle,
Michael Fumento and Michael Ledeen. These renegades are counterfeit conservatives, and form the backbone of Bush advisors.”
I’m hardly counterfeit, but neither have I been associated in any way, shape or form with AEI in over five years. Even
then, it was only for one year. And I doubt if George Bush even knows my name. Far from being a backbone of his advisors,
I hardly constitute a bone in his pinkie. Hall’s article was originally published on another website, one with myriad
links to anti-semitic webpages as well as a host of UFO abduction ones. Methinks a change of name is called for here, like
(second email message from Mr Fumento:)
"I get it; I'm a counterfeit conservative because I've worked at a number of conservative think thanks. Oh, and I'm responsible
for positions Hudson took in the 1960s. I guess that always makes me responsible for Jim Crow, because I was five in 1965
and I was and am white. Interesting you didn't mention a single non-conservative position I ever took. You only got as far
as saying I "defended" tobacco, which is a falsehood. I have criticized people who have played politics with so-called "passive
smoking." Other than that, my only mentions on tobacco have been that's it's a terrible killer. None of which has anything
to do with conservativism anyway. All of which is to say the only reason you attacked me is that I have been successful while
you publish alongside people who write about UFO abductions and fabricated "Protocals of the Elders of Zion." In other words,
you're a failure in life and you try to make up for it by going after successful people. Tough luck."
Senior Fellow, Hudson Institute Medical/Science Columnist,

There may be said to be two classes of people in the world: those who constantly divide the people of the world into two classes,
and those who do not. - Robert Charles Benchley
