A Primer on the Idea Destroying America by James Ostrowski

Ostrowski doesn’t shy away from the fact that the majority of the voting public supports progressive
programs in overwhelming numbers even with their dismal results. Ostrowski explains that this is the obvious result of over
100 years of a progressive worldview being hammered into our minds from our early years in government schools to later years
in life where we are subjected to the progressive echo chamber of politics and the media.
Book Review - Progressivism: A Primer on the Idea Destroying America

Perpetual War for Perpetual
How We Got to Be So Hated
by Gore Vidal
We are, as George the Younger tells us, "at war," and having
unpopular opinions during times of war is likely to get one shouted down, or worse.
Fortunately, the War on Terror isn't a real war; it is
a "new kind of war," otherwise its critics might find themselves in jail, as did critics of Lincoln's and Wilson's wars, never
mind that pesky First Amendment.
Yet the chilling effect is real, so real that when Gore
Vidal, America's greatest living man of letters, weighed in on the War on Terror, not even his friends at The Nation would
publish him.
Gore Vidal's War on War by Franklin Harris
Interview of Gore Vidal by Gary Kamiya from Salon.com
Gore Vidal, Author: Why Is the United States Considered Evil?
CIVIL LIBERTIES The New War on Freedom Give me liberty, or give me . . . what? Security? by Gore Vidal

A novel is never anything, but a philosophy put into images. Albert Camus

A Novel the State Doesn't Want You To Read by Jimmy Cantrell
The Matrix and the Nexus: Celtic Heritage in Southern Literature.
Aw, Shucks Book List

A room without books is like a body without a soul. Marcus
T. Cicero

Government by Deception
by Jan Lamprecht

Prince Charles once said that political correctness is "intellectual communism." He is right.
Indeed, I believe that political correctness is the creation of the communist psychological warriors as they try to play mind-games
with Westerners. Political correctness is a way of slowly driving people towards communism. Part of the game is aimed at discrediting
the true anti-communist elements in society so that nobody listens to them...
Order Book

The Wendy McElroy Interview
By John Hawkins
Wendy McElroy: Ifeminists.com fills a void for information on individualist feminism. It offers a database of over two thousand URLs that lead to news items,
commentary, organizations, etc. It provides a nexus where a community can grow on the Bulletin Board and the email lists,
as well as a place for people to "drop by" every morning for the daily news on the front page. Moreover, the "information"
section gives the fundamentals of ifeminism. It fills a need.
Entire Interview - RightWingNews.com

Rape Culture Hysteria: Fixing the Damage
Done to Men and Women by Wendy McElroy
Rape Culture Hysteria: Fixing
the Damage Done to Men and Women offers a comprehensive overview and debunking of the "rape culture" myth that has
devastated campuses and is spilling into Main Street America. An ideological madness is grotesquely distorting North America's
view of sexuality. The book applies sanity to the claims that men are natural rapists and our culture encourages sexual violence.

Read the best books first, or you may not have a chance to read them at all. Henry David Thoreau

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