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The question before the human race is, whether the God of nature shall govern the world by his own laws, or whether priests and kings shall rule it by fictitious miracles.
John Adams

AMERICA FIRST is the Tradition of the Nation

America First is Populism in action

Most people associate the term America First with foreign policy. While the implication speaks loudly for a pro national stand, most ignore the tradition that Populism is at the core of the movement. In order to understand the heritage, one should examine the most overt aspects of this tradition. Professor Ralph Raico, states  the case for an American First foreign policy in his book - The Failure of America’s Foreign Wars. He refers to the following motto used by Richard Cobden, the libertarian theorist of international relations:

“The great rule of conduct for us in regard to foreign nations is — in extending our commercial relations — to have with them as little political connection as possible.”

While the sordid history of mindless interventionism is widely available, most detractors want to rely upon the canard that isolationism from world affairs is the goal for advocates of the America First philosophy. How insincere, such a reproach is and disingenuous are these critics. Clearly those who accept the wisdom of Washington and Adams, understand that it applies today and has the same validity as when the nation embarked on its unique journey in self governance.

So what is the nature of the fear within the internationalist camp, that requires them to deny our own history, distort the facts and often falsify the significance about our heritage? Their dread stems from an aversion toward LIBERTY, especially when it is practiced by individuals of integrity. The populist movement of the late nineteenth century had a strong alignment with rural interests. If Thomas Jefferson championed the populace, William Jennings Bryan spoke for the populist. When Alexander Hamilton advanced the elites, Woodrow Wilson served the masters of internationalism. This conflict in mindset and orientation is at the core of the uninterrupted political struggle.

The domestic character in the America First movement, is largely unsung because the shapers of the political culture have gone to great lengths to dispel the meaning of individual sovereignty. Populism is the embodiment of rightful authority. Legitimacy of political institutions rests in the consent of citizens, and has as its only purpose, the benefit and advancement of their interests. Elites and their minions need not apply for positions of privilege. Special treatment, corporate domination and coercive compliance all promote cronyism of the few, over the prosperity of the many. While the control and creation of money was fraudulently expropriated through the Federal Reserve swindle, the convergence of people control was extended with the perpetual war for global domination strategy.

For the underlying objective in all internationalism policy is not just the expansion of an empire, but ultimately is the enslavement of each individual. Individual Liberty is the preeminent archenemy of the mattoid elite. Populism represents the pro active political underpinnings that recognizes that the Statist is the supreme enemy of the Republic. Those who lust after power for no other reason than to enrich and protect their own narrow appetites, are the unfeigned problem. The reason that the people must be shielded from the common sense of Populism, is reducible to the fear that elites have, that the regular folk will wake up to the fraud of the two party, one NWO voice, political system.

America First is the sensible and honest alternative to the continuous failures of the last century. The reason is simple. More of your friends, neighbors and family would become empowered to attain the fruits of the national dream, when they are able to live their lives as free and responsible citizens. Yes, an America First mindset, invokes obligations. But our mutual duty is directed towards people, not government. Only individuals possess rights. The State exists to serve the real master of government; namely the people.

Don’t be confused that genuine Populism promotes any form of “collectivism”. The emphasis is always on what will enhance the interests of the individual. Society never has the authority to claim they can establish subjugation for the ‘common good’. The test of validity for domestic policies will accept the standard that government must be controlled and not be the controller. That is why the definition within the name of America First is so appropriate.

The point that the government is NOT the nation, has been made repeatedly. It is time to put that theme into practice. The Corporate/State axis is the evil twin. The solution is restoring a real free enterprise economy and scale back and severely limit the role of central government. That is the goal for Populism. It is the American tradition and it deserves to be put FIRST, whenever public policy is considered.

So when you hear the smears against the only sane and prudent course, ask who benefits from those cat calls and who profits from that policy? The Republic is now dead with the enactment of the Patriot Act and now the Homeland Defense Act. Nothing illustrates more animus towards the prospects of freedom than these domestic draconian dictates of the elites. Populism is the political answer, American First is the correct policy, and Liberty is its eternal reward. Laugh in the face of the toadies for the elites. Virtuous and honest citizens know better. America First is your legacy!  Can you count yourself among their ranks? Will you defend it or will you continue to pay trubute to the illicit betrayers of our Constitutional Republic?

SARTRE - November 21, 2002

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An informed people is the basis of, and a necessity for, successful democratic government. The people of the United States are entitled to hear all sides to a question whether it be political, economic, social, racial or religious.
 — Burton K. Wheeler

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Bush the Next FDR?


"My call tonight is for every American to commit at least two years -- 4,000 hours over the rest of your lifetime -- to the service of your neighbors and your nation."

"We will be deliberate, yet time is not on our side. I will not wait on events while dangers gather. I will not stand by as peril draws closer and closer. The United States of America will not permit the world's most dangerous regimes to threaten us with the world's most destructive weapons."

Text of State of the Union

These words seem to project calls to action that many will accept as being reasonable. But what exactly are the methods and consequences for following such goals?

The USA Freedom Corps! What exactly is: "extending American compassion throughout the world." ?  It sure rings like nation building, doesn't it? When Bush seeks to expand the AmeriCorps, Senior Corps and the Peace Corps it sure sounds like the Civilian Conservation Corps of FDR. Just what does 'voluntarism' mean for George Jr?

Does our duty as a citizen extend to service to the State or to our neighbor and community?  Those who confuse legitimate charity for worthy causes with service in government programs, enter a very dangerous arena. If the claim for national service rests upon a moral duty, where is the evidence that any national government has ever fulfilled their duty to American citizens?

We are living in a shadow vestige of what this nation once was. Government was about serving and protecting her people. Now the call is to serve the apparatus that serves itself, at the expense of the citizen. How fine it would be if social service organizations would be benign government programs, but the horrible record of State agendas destroys the noble purpose of volunteer compassion.

Have we lost all proportion when it comes to the miserable record of bureaucratic programs? If President Bush purports to be a Republican, why expand Socialism? We cannot accept hideous schemes in the spirit of bipartisanship. The correct role for government has been abandoned for over a century. Now we see emerging the West Texas version of Hyde Park.

The long fight to abolish the draft, may well need to be fought again. This time, the idea expands to a post graduate course in state service for our youth.  The task of indoctrination wasn't completed in the government schools, so on the job training becomes necessary. This is not the kind of public service that bears healthy fruits. And who among us cannot see the seeds planted for voluntary blending into a disguised form of compulsory?

Couple this domestic twist with the approach of the War Party for security, and we must wonder just who is being protected. It sure smells like preemptive strikes are on the horizon. In the fine tradition of the Israeli air strike against the Iraq's nuclear facility in 1981, we are being prepared for more tortured justification in international law. Preventive aggression without declaring war is an insult to any nation that holds itself out as the beacon of freedom for the rest of the world. If this 'axis of evil' is so diabolical, and must be confronted, do it legally and get Congress to declare war!

One need not defend a deviant tyrannical regime to implore their own country to observe constitutional requirements. The current course in interventionist rule, guarantees perpetual warfare. Attempts to validate arrogance of power as legitimate under the ruse of self defense, stretches common sense to unnatural limits. Bush views this quest as a fight against pure evil. Crusades without prudence end in carnage. If the goal is to protect America, how is this country served when three new enemies are being programmed into the GPS targeting system, when their abilities to strike our shores are limited to cells of fanatics?

Are Americans so bewildered that such unilateral assaults will have more in common with the desperation of imperial Japan, when they launched their attack on Pearl Harbor, than a holy cause for saving the world? If the weapons of mass destruction are ready to be used, does it make sense to initiate a doomsday scenario, when Red China may well side with her Asian cousins? It is one thing to correct inadequacies in political objectives after the Gulf War, with attempts to defuse the aggression of Saddam Hussein. But what exactly has been achieved with over ten years of flyover confrontations, while we still buy his oil? Real grass root dissent exists in Iran, so why is Bush so willing to regenerate national solidarity against that satan infidel?

No folks, this is a very dangerous policy to pursue. If the political elites are allowed to galvanize their 'policeman of the world' strategy, America will act like a thug. Real and justifiable retaliation for active aggression from terrorist states deserves an effective response. But adopting unilateral preemptive raids, which virtually guarantees lethal reprisals, does not increase protection for our country.

Is Bush just preparing the American public for the aftermath of this war on terror when he calls for the USA Freedom Corps? Is this the first step back to conscription or is it going to be expanded into a FEMA disaster response backup of the home guard?

When Americans endorsed the Socialism of FDR, they bought into the deception of equating civic moral duty with government service. Linkage between these two vastly different approaches, has caused more damage to the American Nation than any terrorist plot. Bush has revealed his zeal for militant incursion, in defense of the New World Order. His father popularized the acceptability of what was once a shadow theory. Bush II is now taking the reality of the NWO and equating it with the defense of America. Buying into this prevarication would make Franklin Delanor Roosevelt proud.

The following is from the FDR inaugural speech March 4th, 1933:

"It can be accomplished in part by direct recruiting by the government itself, treating the task as we would treat the emergency of a war, but at the same time, through this employment, accomplishing greatly needed projects to stimulate and reorganize the use of our national resources."

It seems that Bush has an updated rendition of the same message. Not exactly the Republican vision that the State serves the people. WWII changed America for the worst. We risk a WWIII that will destroy it forever . . .

SARTRE - January 31, 2002

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The death of democracy is not likely to be an assassination from ambush. It will be a slow extinction from apathy, indifference, and undernourishment. Robert M. Hutchins

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Vintage SARTRE

America First is based upon Traditional Heritage

Keep it Basic - The Business of Government

Internationalists Seek EMPIRE

What Makes a Republican - a REPUBLICAN?

Honor the Memory of THE Patriot

The Case For Becoming A Conscientious Objector

Garet Garrett
You do not defend what is already lost.


Garet Garrett (1878-1954) On Empire - Joseph R. Stromberg

Garet Garrett: Exemplar of the Old Right by Justin Raimondo

Garet Garrett Revived by Bruce Ramsey


George Washington
 'Tis our true policy to steer clear of permanent alliances with any portion of the foreign world


The Papers of George Washington

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America First Committee

The American First Committee

The America First Committee by Sheldon Richman

AFC - Charles Lindbergh

Forgotten Lessons: Selected Essays of John T. Flynn

Principles First by John F. McManus

Gerald P. Nye, "Is Neutrality Possible for America?"


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America First in Foreign Policy

The American Cause

American First Party

Constitution Party of New York

American Free Press

The Continuing War Against the Iraqi People

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The Founding Fathers Were Right About Foreign Affairs - Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX)

Say No to Conscription by Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX)


An Anti-Imperialist's Reading List: Part One by Joseph R. Stromberg



THE SECRET OF PEARL HARBOR FDR's role exposed in 1944 by Justin Raimondo


AGENTS OF INFLUENCE by Justin Raimondo


The Struggle Over War Aims by Scott McConnell

Building A Peace Movement In Wartime by Alan Bock


What I Learned From Paleoism by Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.

Why Buchanan Failed by Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.

Albert Jay Nock, Forgotten Man of the Right by Jeffrey A. Tucker

Are You a Threat to Liberty? by Burton S. Blumert

Tony Blair's New Military World Order by Bill Barnwell

Emergency 2001 by David Dieteman

America First? America Last? America at Last? by Gore Vidal

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Reclaiming the American Right by Justin Raimondo

America First!: Its History, Culture, and Politics by Bill Kauffman

The People's Pottage by Garet Garrett


The Francis Parker Yockey Collection

Imperium online



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