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Virtue cannot separate itself from reality without becoming a principle of evil
Albert Camus

a process and method to confront the essence of being

 - Solitary Purdah -
where the individual is in a state of social isolation

Being In The World, Not Of The World


Cathedrale De Rousen

We do not do what we want and yet we are responsible for what we are -- that is the fact.

Man can will nothing unless he has first understood that he must count on no one but himself; that he is alone, abandoned on earth in the midst of his infinite responsibilities, without help, with no other aim than the one he sets himself, with no other destiny than the one he forges for himself on this earth.

Never have I thought that I was the happy possessor of a "talent"; my sole concern has been to save myself by work and faith.

- J.P.Sartre



Jean-Paul Sartre

Albert Camus

C.S. Lewis

Franz Kafka

Boris Pasternak

Fyodor Dostoevsky


"Every revolution evaporates and leaves behind only the slime of a new bureaucracy."

Franz Kafka



Gabriel Marcel

Karl Jasper

Martin Buber

Karl Barth

Paul Tillich

Karl Rahner

Nikolai Berdyaev

Martin Heidegger

Soren Kierkegaard

Simone de Beauvoir

Maurice Merleau-Ponty

Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche


Life is not a problem to be solved, but a reality to be experienced.

Soren Kierkegaard



Thoughts on Existentialism by Michael Smith


The only conception of freedom I can have is that of the prisoner or the individual in the midst of the State. The only one I know is freedom of thought and action.

- The Myth of Sisyphus by Albert Camus



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D. Anthony Storm's Commentary On Kierkegaard

Christian Existentialism

According to Kierkegaard there is a difference between knowledge that is not fully integrated, a sort of outward knowledge, and the integrated knowledge, in which, in a sense, there is no difference between body and soul, theory and practice.

This difference presents itself clearly in the books of many ecologists, who try to explain the whole human existence from the perspective of the evolution. What especially makes you critical of their natural science point of view is the lack of reference to the subject, the co-inventor of the whole view of the world. It's as if the concept-inventing subject doesn't exist, as if cosmos itself speaks directly to these ecologists enabling them to use phrases like "the viewpoint of the stars". There is a lack of responsibility in this attitude that is annoying and frightening: maybe the root of many of the ills of the world lies hidden in that self-obliterating stand?

Kierkegaard provides us with the philosophical tools to critizise such a viewpont, as he goes a long way to smother the concept of objective truth. Under his scrutiny science, modernity, the foundations of the world, turn into something clumsy and homemade, looking like the loot of a conqueror, speculative images that are full of inconsistencies and flaws.

Modern ecology, when looked at along the lines of the Kierkegaard philosophy turns out to be such a contradiction: it will be nothing but a sham to itself as long as it is incapable of housing man. One ecologist (Rolf Edberg) tells us: "Ecology is the science describing how all living creatures interact with their surroundings . . . it is a way of describing the totality of existence . . . a cosmic biologic total view that includes everything from atoms to galaxes". But it doesn't include man and it never will, because man cannot be put into a scheme or made part of objective knowledge in that way. To use the words "all living creatures" is nothing but self-deception, a trick of a conjurer.

This is one of the main points Kierkegaard makes as I see it: The more objective knowledge becomes the less room it has for man. The fully objective knowledge excludes man from life itself, makes of the subject a mere nothingness that confuses himself with cosmos and the totality, with the pictures of his own making. Man stabs himself in the heart with his own speculations. But that is well-known to all who have studied the philosophy of Kierkegaard.

Nobody will ever be able to say: this is the truth, that is to establish it objectively in the world. But truth nevertheless exists.

Gunnar Odhner


It is always the case that when the Christian looks back, he is looking for forgiveness of sins.

- Karl Barth



The belief in a supernatural source of evil is not necessary; men alone are quite capable of every wickedness.

- Joseph Conrad



oscar wilde

The sesasons send their ruins as they go,
For in spring the narciss shows its head
Nor withers till the rose has flamed to red,
And in autumn purple violets blow,
And the slim crocus stirs the winter snow;
Wherefore yon leafless trees will bloom again
And this gray land grow green with summer rain
And send up cowslips for some boy to mow.

But what of life whose bitter hungry sea
Flows at our heels,and gloom of sunless night
Covers the days which never more return?
Ambition,love and all the thoughts that burn
We all lose too soon,and only find delight
In withered husks of some dead memory


The first postmodern ironist by Julian Evans

The Treasons of the Clerks by Dr. Jerry Pournelle


Radical Academy Essay Updates

Integrity has no need of rules. 
Albert Camus

Blogwise: existentialism blogs

Existentialism from QUESTIA

Existentialism from ABOUT

Existentialism Books from EWOSS


Jean-Paul Sartre Properly Understood by James Hall aka SARTRE

Politics of the Existential Experience by SARTRE

The Philosophic Foundation for Politics by SARTRE

Sustenance For The Mind And The Soul

"An Open Letter To A New Friend"

When a serious man is young and is introduced to the 'art of inquiry', he is taught the tools of reason. Logic and the ability to ask the correct questions, and the reliance upon reason to arrive at conclusions, become paramount. One's hubris grows with advancement in these skills and unbeknown, to him, one day you think you have arrived. You say to yourself that if proof and evidence is not available for you to know; then, it can't exist. You base your entire life and intellectual decisions upon this foundation that you deem is on solid bedrock. But the older you get and the more worldly experience that one in thrust into, the closer you come to an understanding of wisdom that there is more sand under your feet than rock. These doubts are really natural and should not be feared. Its the sign of true growth.

This same development applies to the political realm, as well. But the social consequences of this new understand stems from the intellectual process, and only follows when the philosophy is aware of the Truth of the universe. Therefore, I submit that from an existential perspective, that the only knowledge we have of the universe is through our consciousness of awareness, but that these 'realities' of that universe, exists quite separate from one's own thoughts and cognizant understandings.

It took many years of resistance to the humiliation of my own self image to accept the limitations of my own mind to fully grasp and accept an existence of immutable truths that lie outside my own consciousness. The point is, reason is but the way one seeks knowledge, but knowledge is a comprehension of a world outside our own limited ability to think or know. That is where faith comes in, for this limitation that each of us are afflicted with, is overcome through revealed intervention. This is the very aspect that causes the logical mind so much anguish. It defies your reason, and as any proud man, one resists to admit that you are not capable, alone, to overcome any obstacle. Well, the truth is; one cannot achieve this understand without the help from a higher power. So many people of a philosophical persuasion fight this conflict all their lives. That is the failure of Rand and especially Sartre. For her credit, Rand had a very positive view of the abilities on mankind to achieve a meaningful life; while Sartre is more a product of his time and his war experience. His journey down the road of Communism is not a failure of the existential method, but his inability to go beyond reason.

That leap of faith is the most important step one will ever make. I made it, and as Frost would say: 'It made all the difference'.

Each day I face another void and look into the abyss. Most people would not admit this, but I have no problem with acknowledging that the world, in its present state, is absurd and that man alone will never correct the evils in the world and in his nature. I know not if a existence after this life is real, but will gladly accept the promise that through grace it may be made available to me. Not for anything that I have or will do to earn it, but that through the love and generosity of our Creator that He may forgive me for all the failing of my behavior. For in the end, the only truth choice we are able to make, is the one to believe or to ignore the promise. Now I known this approach is outside the normal inquiry methods of the Philosophy discipline. But I view Philosophy (and especially the existential approach) as but a part of the understanding process. That's why I refer to it as the 'art of inquiry'.

I can't guarantee that I have been blessed with all the answers. But I can assure you that I ask many of the correct questions.

I would urge you to consider the merits of being an 'existentialist', for you may well come to accept it as a valid method into the continual search for understanding. But Existentialism becomes a false system if one accept Nietzsche and that we can all become 'gods'. That is the one area, namely; blasphemy that I would never cross. Our lives are gifts that have been presented to us, without our consent or request. I know not the full purpose of that journey, but the condition of our common fate is the same for each of us. My ultimate goal has never been to be happy. Happiness is not something to avoid, but it is not a valid goal in itself. Evil is the present state of this world, and our existence is condemned to struggle against those 'Principalities of Darkness'. Our firm desire should be that justice and the rule of our supreme creator will become our reward, because of His love for each of us. So we seek to know more of those Truths that exist, and have been revealed to us. Yes, that is a belief; not reached solely through reason. Its a leap that each can make if you ask to enter.



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"It is very little time that I have gained, then is the whole struggle vanished at once, and I can rest in halls of roses and endlessly talk to my Jesus." - epithet on Soren's grave


Soren Kierkegaard and Christian Existentialism by William Johnston

Man in the Presence of Absolute Mystery on Karl Rahner


From Its Judaic and Hellenistic Origins to Existentialism by Paul Tillich

Marcel is founded in the Christian faith without the baggage of the institutional structures. His notion of the 'Mystery' as a gift is central to accepting the leap from reason. This 'ontological mystery' offers the hope that is so wanting when compared to Sartre.

"Doctrines are not God: they are only a kind of map. But the map is based on the experience of hundreds of people who really were in touch with God--experiences compared with which any thrills or pious feelings you or I are likely to get on our own way are very elementary and very confused. And secondly, if you want to get any further, you must use the map... [This] is just why a vague religion--all about feeling God in nature, and so on--is so attractive. It is all thrills and no work; like watching the waves from the beach. But you will not get to Newfoundland by studying the Atlantic that way, and you will not get eternal life by simply feeling the presence of God in flowers or music. Neither will you get anywhere by looking at maps without going to sea. Nor will you be very safe if you go to sea without a map."

C.S. Lewis


Atheistic Existentialism

Hell is -- other people! J.P. Sartre

Summary of Some Main Points from Sartre's Existentialism and Human Emotions

Jean Paul Sartre's Being and Nothingness: Class Notes, Fall 1995.

Summary of Nietzsche's Works

Reflections on the Guillotine


Existential Psychology

On the Psychoanalytic Theory of the Emotions - JP Sartre

Edmund Husserl

Existential Psychology

Existential Psychology, Logotherapy & the Will to Meaning by Diana Teresa de Avila


What is called resignation is confirmed desperation.
Henry David Thoreau


Solitary Purdah - tracts

Alienation Inevitability

Group or the Individual

Alienation For Lost Marxists

Thomas Jefferson's Revolution

Nietzsche America's Gnostic Superman

Albert Camus, Anarchism and the Individual

Democracy and the America Hero

Dasein for Authentic Conservatives

Religious Meaning as the Art of the Existential Experience

Paul Tillich: the 'Apostle to the Intellectuals'

No Escape from Existential Reality

Nikolai Berdyaev and the Eighth Day of Creation

The Grand Inquisitor Planet

Kierkegaard as a Political Man

Simone de Beauvoir: feminist vs. revelation

The Political Philosophy of Jacques Maritain

The Choice For Political Freedom

American Existentialism Real or Fiction?

The Henry David Thoreau of Philosophy

Existential Political Therapy


The Only Honest Man by Alan Jacobs

According to Mr Jacob's interpretation, the 'philosophe' is correct on personal accountability, but I disagree on both conclusions. I content that man's state of nature was pure, but that traditional Judeo-Christian teaching of Original Sin is real, and is the correct explanation for our, subsequent; fallen nature. We see in Rousseau the origin of Sartre, and both within me . . . While you envision your mentor, Voltaire; as the symbol of rational knowledge. With that being said, why is your school of believer's so intent on refusing to allow for my 'right to speak out' on those views that have been the bases for Western 'Civilization' ? Could that 'someone else' actually be 'the forces of darkness'? Or is this possibility, outside the abilities of rational thought to consider?


Existentialist Yahoo Groups



le cafe existentialiste

the existential society

The Problem of Diversity by Hune E. Margulies

The Words and Deeds of Christ by Joseph Sobran

Futility in Non-Christian Ethics by Samuel Waldron M.Div.

Academic Philosophy Today: Thanks, But No Thanks by Steven Yates

Clearing a Path to a Pagan's Paradise by Eileen M. Ciesla

There is nothing to fear from the gods.
There is nothing to fear from death.
Pain can be endured.
Happiness can be attained. 



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- Rene Descartes


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