
Strange Business Success Ventures

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Strange Business Success Ventures

When Barack Obama uttered those fateful words: "If you’ve got a business -- you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen", the entire mindset of the collectivist culture crystallized. Business for the crony capitalist is an exclusive privilege of the select, while the inborn right of the entrepreneurial individual is a conditional quest, contingent upon the body politic. A society based upon a tribute obligation to obtain a state license for conducting natural business transactions, is inherently wrong.

A retort to the notion that it takes a village to sell a product or better yet, expend your labor and skills to make a living is best summed up in the immortal words of the sergeant sage for the ages. From Kelly's Heroes - Oddball spoke, "Why don't you say something righteous or hopeful for a change?"

Waiting for the welfare establishment or the chamber of corporatist commerce to foster optimistic transformation is like waiting for the truth out of Press Secretary Jay Carney. Remember how that ban of go-getting WWII GI’s got the gold? They improvised with a positive attitude.

So what can a person do to become independent? Weird businesses often start around creative ideas.


Well, Wasp Buzz offers some examples. "Have you ever had a business idea creep into your head, but later discarded the idea as bizarre? Well, that idea may not be as crazy as you think. The Buzz Magazine has scoured the web to bring you some of the most outrageous-but-successful business ventures."

Paint by Numbers

Did you know there are over 500 million parking spaces across the United States? Luckily, We Do Lines makes finding one much easier. The Connecticut-based company specializes in the painting of parking lot spaces. After having difficulty finding a painter for their own business lot, three forward-thinking entrepreneurs created the painting service and haven’t looked back. With franchises in several states, this is a company that has seen its fair share of success.

Walking Billboard

Everyday we wear shirts with companies’ logos etched across our chests. But what if those shirts were seen in a viral video on YouTube? That is the idea of one entrepreneur in Jacksonville, FL. Jason Sadler started WearYourShirt in 2009 and is paid to wear a company’s T-shirt for a day, make a YouTube video about the company and generate viral buzz around the business. In case you’re interested in increasing your company’s exposure, you’ll have to wait – this entrepreneur’s services are sporting a waiting list.

Another site
10 Crazy Business Ideas That Have Really Worked ends with this illustration.

Designer Diaper Bags 

And the last one here on our list is an example of ‘necessity is the mother of all inventions’. Christie Rein, a 34 year old mother of three kids always had trouble carrying the diapers when she had to go out with her children. She couldn’t find a proper bag to carry the diapers and thus with her husband’s help she designed a diaper bag. Today, their company produces a wide range of designer diaper bags which are also sold online. In its first year of operation, Diapies & Wipies earned more than $1.8 million. 

A most inventive solution is discussed on
6 Weird But Successful Small Business Ideas.  

The Pet Loo

If you’ve ever had a pet while living in an apartment, then you know how painful it can be to take them out for potty when it’s 10 degrees with a fierce wind. Or maybe you work long hours and always have to rush home to let them out. Or maybe you’re a senior citizen and it’s hard to make multiple trips in and out of your home.

Well, all these reasons are why The Pet Loo was invented. The Pet Loo is a square of fake grass, which sits atop a simple waste containment system that you put inside your home or apartment. It’s just like a mini-backyard where your dog can relieve himself. Although The Pet Loo is based in Australia, similar businesses have sprung up here in the States. Good idea? No doubt.

Maybe the most usable product for the needs of the international jet set is covered in
Weird Companies That Work.

DNA Products, LLC

While disposable travel underwear may seem funny or even odd in America, Danita Harris did her homework and discovered that European and Asian markets have been using this product for more than 20 years. Not to be confused with "edible underwear," the men's and ladies disposable travel underwear that Harris hawks through her firm, DNA Products, is available in three, five or seven-piece lightweight packages. They are intended to be worn once and discarded, so they're easy to transport, and they eliminate the need to haul dirty underwear in your luggage. Harris decided to target leisure and business travelers in the U.S., ages 25 to 55, "based on the product's proven appeal to women travelers overseas."

The first business succeeded because other companies did not fulfill a traditional service need. Most pragmatic ventures are based upon hard work, dependable performance and reasonable fair pricing.

The second example uses the imaginative power of technology and resourceful advertising.

The other three involve the ultimate endless supply of mammal output. While consumer tastes change and parking spaces may someday become obsolete in the Amazon just in time economy, the need for service businesses will always exist. The method of promoting a product, service or cause will evolve with the techniques and style used in the mass media over time. However, the hard-core excretion business will always dominate the stalls of the globalist economy.

Where is the righteous in the
40 Percent Of U.S. Workers Make Less Than What A Full-Time Minimum Wage Worker Made In 1968. Author Michael Snyder at The Economic Collapse effectively documents the plight of the American economy. Hopeful change has to start in the initiative thinking and dedicated persistency of every person to create an independent method of economic sufficiency. Get started, the golden rainbow can be yours.

James Hall - August 7, 2013

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